Intelliflex I/O Dual Zone Venetian Blind Switch

As a smart user input device, the IntelliFlex I/O Dual Zone Venetian Blind Switch can be customized to operate motorized Venetian blinds or send a signal to a third-party building management system over an IntelliFlex I/O network. The switch can be programmed to control two individual zones. Each zone can be configured to control any number of blinds within the network with a single touch. Configurations can be performed through on-board programming buttons without rewiring or external devices. Swipe gestures quickly tilt blinds to any of the programmed tilt positions. Power and communication is provided through a single Ethernet cable. Integrated LEDs offer real time system status for an easier user process experience.

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  • C156.277 - Intelliflex I/O Dual Zone Venetian Blind Switch

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